Personal Injury Lawyer San Jose, CA

Personal Injury Lawyer San Jose, CA

Pursuing Recovery After An Injury With Professional Assistance

If you have suffered an injury as a result of someone else’s negligent or reckless actions, our San Jose, CA personal injury lawyer can help you. Attorney Tab Mitchell and our team have been serving clients in California since 1984. With our extensive knowledge and experience, you can rest assured that your case is in good hands. We strive to put our clients first as we help them pursue justice and crucial financial recovery after an accident. To discuss your case with our personal injury lawyer, contact the Mitchell & Danoff Law Firm, Inc today to schedule a consultation.

How Our Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You

Our San Jose personal injury attorney has experience assisting clients across a wide range of injuries. If you have been the victim of a car, truck, or bicycle accident, a slip and fall, a premises liability incident, a dog bite, an incident of wrongful death, or another injury resulting from the actions of another person, we can assist you.

Our service begins with an initial consultation during which we will discuss the circumstances of your accident and your injuries in order to gain a holistic understanding of your case and how best to move forward. Our team will conduct a thorough investigation into your accident, gathering evidence such as witness statements, photographs and videos, police reports, medical records, and more. We will use this evidence to create a robust case that supports your claim and proves liability on the part of the at-fault party.

Proving Liability And Filing A Personal Injury Claim

An important part of our California personal injury lawyer’s service is proving liability in the at-fault party and pursuing compensation from them and their insurance in order to cover your injuries and losses. Insurance companies and their legal teams will often attempt to deny or undervalue claims. Our lawyer will represent you in all negotiations as we aggressively pursue the compensation that you deserve. With over three decades of experience assisting clients with their personal injury cases, we are equipped to fight back against any bad-faith practices from the insurance company and help you reach a favorable outcome.

The amount of compensation received by personal injury victims will vary from case to case depending on the specific details of the accident and injuries suffered. Our personal injury lawyer will consult with you to determine the maximum amount of compensation that you should seek in your case. This compensation often includes payment for losses such as medical bills and expenses, rehabilitation and therapy, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, and potentially punitive damages and other losses relevant to your case.

Contact Our Personal Injury Lawyer Today

In the aftermath of an accident, your physical, mental, and emotional recovery are paramount. In order to pursue this recovery to the fullest possible extent, our experienced personal injury lawyer will help you pursue the financial recovery that you deserve through a personal injury claim or lawsuit. To discover how we can assist you with your case, contact our team at Mitchell & Danoff Law Firm, Inc today.

Personal Injury Lawyer San Jose, CA
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Contact Mitchell Law Firm for a Free Case Evaluation!

If you've been injured in an accident through another's wrongful actions, you are entitled to compensation. Don't wait any longer; contact our firm immediately to see how we can help you.
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Should I hire a lawyer for my personal injury case?

    There are several reasons for hiring a lawyer to represent you in your personal injury claim, rather than representing yourself. 1.) It allows you to focus on your own recovery, rather than the complicated details of your case. 2.) By hiring a skilled personal injury attorney to research your case and represent you in court, your chances of success improve drastically.

  • How long will my personal injury case take to resolve?

    This number can vary from one case to another, depending on the details of your situation. A lawsuit can take anywhere from several months to several years to settle.

  • What is the average settlement amount for a personal injury claim?

    The average compensation amount for a personal injury case is anywhere from $3,000 to $75,000, depending on what type of damages you are pursuing.

  • Does California put damage caps on claims for personal injury cases?

    No, only Medical Malpractices cases have a cap. California Civil Code section 3333.2 sets a cap on the amount of non-economic damages (pain and suffering) that can be recovered in a medical malpractice case. The maximum amount that may be recovered is $250,000. All other Personal Injury cases are not subject to any cap.